Posts by this author

Sep 17, 2024

Boosting Azure DevOps Security with GHAS Code Scanning

Debjyoti Ganguly shares insights on the security benefits and configuration of GHAS Code Scanning with Azure DevOps. Boosting Azure DevOps Security with GHAS Code Scanning Code scanning, a pipeline-based tool available in GitHub Advanced Security, is designed to detect code vulnerabilities and bugs within the source code of ADO (Azure ...

Azure DevOpsSecurityGHAS
Jul 9, 2024

Running Open AI Whisper on Azure

Monu Bambroo explores Whisper, a speech to text model from OpenAI that you can use to transcribe audio files. The model is trained on a large dataset of English audio and text. The model is optimized for transcribing audio files that contain speech in English. The model can also be used to transcribe audio files that contain speech in other ...

Azure OpenAIWhisper
Jul 5, 2024

Copilot Studio – Prompt Response Times

Tahir Naveed walks through how to measure prompt response times with Microsoft Copilot Studio and explores considerations that factor into the overall performance of these requests. Building custom copilots (GenAI chatbots) in Microsoft Copilot Studio is amazing. Especially with the new functionalities which were released in Microsoft Build ...

Copilot Studio
May 30, 2024

VBScript deprecation: Timelines and next steps

Scripting options for web development and task automation are modernizing. To provide you with the most modern and efficient options, we are replacing VBScript with more advanced alternatives such as JavaScript and PowerShell. Find out what VBScript deprecation means for you and how you can get ready. What is VBScript? Visual Basic Scripting ...

May 14, 2024

Azure CI/CD: Govern seamlessly from start to finish

Debjyoti Ganguly shares insights on a resilient end-to-end cloud governance framework for Azure CI/CD pipelines. Hey there, tech enthusiasts! This article serves as a technical guide to implementing a resilient end-to-end cloud governance framework for Azure CI/CD pipelines. It is designed to be vendor-agnostic and aligns seamlessly with ...

DevOpsContinuous IntegrationEntra ID
Feb 24, 2024

How to visualize Semantic Kernel & Azure OpenAI plans using Mermaid

Jordan Bean explores how to visualize Semantic Kernel & Azure OpenAI plans using Mermaid. Using the function calling ability of Semantic Kernel/OpenAI is very exciting from an application development point of view. Instead of hard-coding paths though the system, Semantic Kernel & OpenAI can decide for themselves what plugins to call...

Azure OpenAISemantic KernelMermaid
Feb 24, 2024

Azure DevOps Pipelines: Discovering the Ideal Service Connection Strategy

John Folberth explores various configurations, decisions, and pros/cons that should be evaluated when deciding how your DevOps environment will deploy code into Azure. About This post is part of an overall series on Azure DevOps YAML Pipelines. The series will cover any and all topics that fall into the scope of Azure DevOps Pipelines. I ...

AzureAzure DevOps
Dec 19, 2023

Hands-On Azure Container Apps 101 — Deploying a scalable Go-Backend

David Minkovski shares a hands-on guide to explore the power and simplicity of Azure Container Apps and Azure Front Door as a great alternative to Azure Kubernetes Services and other Kubernetes implementations for developers. Motivation I am sure you have seen the world go crazy about Kubernetes and while this technology is amazing and has ...

Azure Container RegistryGo SDKContainer Apps
Dec 18, 2023

How to enhance your chatbot so it can retrieve data from multiple data sources & orchestrate its own plan with C# Semantic Kernel, planner & Azure OpenAI – part 4 (local development & deployment details)

In this multi-part series, Jordan Bean shares how to enhance a chatbot to retrieve data from multiple data sources and orchestrate plans with C# Semantic Kernel, planner, and Azure Open AI. In the previous post, I detailed how the demo app runs. In this post, let’s talk about some of the techniques & technologies I used to make the ...

BotsAzure OpenAISemantic Kernel
